EIT RawMaterials Expert Forum

  • 27/06/2022
  • Berlin, GER

The Expert Forum is Europe’s leading raw materials’ innovation and education exchange that connects stakeholders and actors from various parts of different raw materials value chains. This highly collaborative environment culminates in producing radically new ways of addressing raw materials sustainability across the supply chains.

Over three days, technical experts from industry and academia will gather to debate the technological advancements and business opportunities to explore industry needs in terms of innovation and education, identify partner interests, and promote matchmaking and consortia formation for project proposal submission.

The Expert Forum is structured around three strategic frameworks or ‘Lighthouses‘:

  • Responsible Sourcing
  • Sustainable Materials
  • Circular Societies

Each will focus on specific parts of key industrial value chains, i.e., Batteries, Magnets, Fuel Cells, Photovoltaic panels, Electronics, and Lightweight Design. The purpose of the ‘Lighthouses’, especially when linked together, is to provide the partners of the EIT RawMaterials Innovation Community a clear framework for the debate and – potentially – project design to receive funding via EIT RawMaterials.

More about the event